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Searching the ship

Desolate and abandoned, the evil alchemist’s mansion stands alone on the cliff, looking out towards the sea. Mysterious lights and ghostly hauntings have kept away the people of Saltmarsh, despite rumours of a fabulous forgotten treasure. What is its sinister secret?

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Re: Searching the ship

Post by Breila »

Brax, Gustas and Kulop have gathered at the leftmost door (closest to the starbord railing). Brax almost falls into the cabin, because the door was only slightly stuck and she has far more momentum than needed.
The cabin is far larger than one would expect on such a vessel, since it seems to be for one person only. A single bunk, made-up with bed linen, has its head against the bulkhead running along the center-line of the ship next to what appears to be a wooden partition squaring off the corner near the main deck. A writing desk is set against the hull below the stern porthole; it has a drawer on each side and three trays on the top.
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Re: Searching the ship

Post by Jenara »

Brax's red eyes flash with unwanted anger, why me? she asks herself as she recovers he fall with as much grace as she can muster.

"I believe this might just be the place we are looking for." The half drow announces as she moves to the desk, "Master Halfing, if you could be so kind as to check these drawers?"
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: Searching the ship

Post by BishGada »

Brax finds Kulop already on top of things. He looks around the room for secret doors and then check the desk for traps, "One must learn his lessons." Kulop says absentmindedly while focusing on the task at hand. "Hmmm... I remember this kind of locks... I just need to push that here.. and now that there... oh where is the part that goes behind the kuptrich?" Figuring he has difficulties with the lock Kulop decides to try any keys found on the ship during the search and if all fails he searches the room for the key.

(OOC: if Kulop will find traps he will try to disarm them, otherwise he would try to open the drawers and if need be to pick the locks
Find traps/Remove traps/Pick locks (61,43,65)
Well if he would find the trap he would have succedded removing it but Kulop failed finding traps and picking the lock. I don't know what to roll for finding secret doors.
I'm not sure if we found some key downstairs and if so if it already unlocked something... Anyway if we did find a key Kulop will try it here.
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Re: Searching the ship

Post by Breila »

(OOC: Finding secret doors is an elven skill in 2e, the handbook says nothing about other races. However, it seems unreasonable that the skill is limited to a race, so I'll go with half chances for all other races. That would be a 1 on a D6 when actively looking for such a door, as Kulop has been doing.) Roll result: 1d6=5

As Kulop looks around the cabin, searching for secret doors, he and everybody else have leisure to take in the whole of the cabin. On the desktop, just in front of the trays, there is an inkpot, two quill pens, a small knife and a pewter, pepper-pot-like container. Against the desk is set a wooden, upright chair, while beside the desk is set a wooden, brassbound chest.
Against the hull, on the starboard side, is a padded leather couch. In front of it a bearskin rug lies on the deck while beneath the couch can be seen a fairly large metal box.

Since they have not found any keys in the ship so far, Kulop can enjoy himself checking the desk and trying to pick the drawer locks, but has no success. He did not find any secret door either.
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Re: Searching the ship

Post by Jenara »

Trying not to scowl Brax nods at the little creature, trying to ignore the thought that once upon a time he would have made a nice starter... Pelor wouldnt want her thinking like that.

"If you need a job doing.." She mumbles striding to the desk and taking a seat, are the drawers actually locked? If so is there another room to jam the small knife in between the drawer and the desk?

Brax secret doors: 1d6=2 not a look just a glance.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: Searching the ship

Post by Breila »

The drawers are locked, but the items on top of the desk (three trays with paters, a pewter container and and inkwell with two pens) are open to inspection. Using the knife to pry open the drawers would certainly damage the desk and probably the knife as well.
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Re: Searching the ship

Post by BishGada »

Kulop tries to search the tray and also under and around the desk for keys. If he finds anything he will use it, otherwise he will say, "Graceful Brax, I already unlocked many drawers in my life so I think I'll leave the fun to someone else." and try to check the chest.
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Re: Searching the ship

Post by Breila »

Kulop makes a great mess with the papers on the desk, completely upsetting the order they were in (if any). There are no keys to be found.

The chest is utterly boring for Kulop: There is no lock on it (and not even a trap). Inside are men's clothes. Those on the lower layer, however, are of fine and colorful fabric. As Kulop throws them out, Brax recognises the silk patterns as simliar to those they found in the smuggler's caves.
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Re: Searching the ship

Post by Jenara »

"Those clothes.." Brax comments as Kulop throws the clothes on the floor.. (Are there any white shirts in the pile?) "I saw clothes like that in the caves.."

Spinning on the seat she ponders for a moment before standing and walking to the metal box. "I wonder what this is?" Is the box locked or sealed?
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: Searching the ship

Post by Breila »

Indeed, Brax finds two white linen shirts. However, they're for someone far stockier than she is.
Unlike the chest, the metal box has an inbuilt lock which looks well-made.
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Re: Searching the ship

Post by Jenara »

Shrugging Brax takes the shirts and stuffs them in her pack, she could just get them altered back in town.

"Master Kulop.." She smiles, perhaps you might not have opened many locked steel boxes?" Turning she grabs all of the papers and reads where she can.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
Genwald - Nesserrr (Katten) Feliz Ranger (Going Solo..)
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Re: Searching the ship

Post by Breila »

The papers that Kulop scrambled fall into several categories. Some are bills and receipts for various items of marine supply. Several others are letters of a personal and alarmingly intimate nature from three different ladies in three different ports (each of whom is under the common misapprehension that she is Mrs. Sigurd 'Snake Eyes') There is also a curious, semi-literate document requesting a further supply of ironware "as per previous consignments and at the agreed terms." The signature here is in the form of a pictoglyph and shows a lizard with forked tongue extended.
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Re: Searching the ship

Post by BishGada »

"Oh, yes... let me try... and voila, for you your grace." Kulop says as the lock clicks and open.

(OOC: Find trap/ Remove trap / Pick lock (90/55(fail) / 6/55(success) / 8/30 (success)) )
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Re: Searching the ship

Post by Jenara »

Taking the papers, including those those to 'snake eyes' and moves to the steel box. "what do we have here?" She asks with a curious smile.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
Genwald - Nesserrr (Katten) Feliz Ranger (Going Solo..)
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Re: Searching the ship

Post by Breila »

(OOC: I know that for the sake of feasibility, we have to make all die rolls in a row that in tabletop would be done one by one. This sometimes gives nonsensical results, like a successful disarm traps after a failed find traps. In tabletop, there would be no disarm trap roll after a failed find trap, because obviously, the character would not be aware that there was a trap that needs to be disarmed. So in this case, Kulop failed to find the trap, and he triggers it by successfully picking the lock)

Just as Brax turns to Kulop, she hears the halfling squeak with delight as he manages to open the box. But the sounds quickly changes to a yelp of pain, and the halfling turns over to her, his eyes wide open and his hands clutched to his abdomen, with blood spilling forth between his fingers. The chest had be trapped with a spring-loaded blade that has hit Kulop with full force.

Die roll for trap damage: 1d6=5
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