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Chapter 5: Justice

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Chapter 5: Justice

Post by mltillis »

You stand near the entrance of the abandoned wing of the Halls of Justice which now serves as a makeshift prison for the creature posing as Kata Amblecrown. Within lies enough rooms to shackle each of the prisoners separately and the equipment to coerce their tongues if need be.

As the carriage departs, details are quickly exchanged on the events since the group separated and newcomers are introduced.
"It's quite a place. A place of good times and bad, of pain and growth, but in the end a place of great hope. - But if you ever do come aboard, remember one thing: No one there is exactly what he seems. But then, who is?"- G'Kar
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Re: Chapter 5: Justice

Post by Namenlos »

Olban hangs back, unsure of what actions he should take here. Yeah the group had shared information with him as if he was one of their number, and he might be able to help in a pinch... but if he wasn't getting paid it really didn't seem to be his problem, He'd have to talk with whomever seemed to be in charge and see what he could get.

He settles back into a corner, making sure that his cloak hood remains in place shadowing his features, and surveys his surroundings and companions warily.

(Searching the area [1d20+3] = 6+3 = 9, poorly)
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Re: Chapter 5: Justice

Post by BishGada »

Vrunar looks at Navi, "So. We caught Jason. He is the one who led the Danciens to the ambush and he says he can lead us to the missing elves. I promised to protect his life. I didn't promise anything beyond." He sneaks a look at Arnora then leans close to Navi ear and whispers, "I know she will want justice be done with him. And I approve, as long as it's not a murder." then he gestures at Olban, "If I understand correctly, you two have met. When he came to meet Mortimer and myself he mentioned your name. He helped us and I belive he is a trustworthy friend." Vrunar nods in gratitude toward Olban. "Please introduce your companions and update us what have you accomplished."

(OOC: Can you guys give a short summary who is who and what everyone did? I find it somewhat hard to track the plot when it is posted on different threads. Thanks, and I apologize for the inconvenience.)
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Re: Chapter 5: Justice

Post by TristenC »

Mercair, being fairly outgoing, gravitates to the the shadowy figure in the back since the others are engaged in conversation. Ho there, he says, walking up to Olban. Looks like you fellows caught your rabbit... My name's Mercair, I'm... new to the investigation I guess you'd say. He sticks his hand out to shake, waiting a bit for Olban to respond. Say, that's some fine armor you've got. I had mine made by a fellow over at the Thayan Embassy just north of the Market, where'd you get yours?

[OOC: assuming I can see the armor, if it is covered I missed that in the description. I'm less familiar with 3e/3.5, but all magical armor is of exceptional quality, right? I'm going under the presumption that Mercair would recognize it as being very well-made
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Re: Chapter 5: Justice

Post by Namenlos »

Replying after Mercair introduces himself Olban accepts the hand shake extending his own disfigured appendage to Mercair, examining his new acquaintance to gain a feel for who he is. "Aye well met, I guess you'd say I'm new as well. Ran into two Elves, I think, and got swept up in this business." Olban is solitary by nature but he has worked with enough people to be polite in conversation.

"Picked it up outside of town, I'm not usually in this area. The Thayan Embassy does good work? I may want to pick up something later if I've the chance and coin." he responds in regards to the question of armor.

He mentally marks Mercair as: A pretty boy, friendly, useful(?), good in a fight(?). Olban decides to try and find out more about him as a probable ally. "How'd you get involved anyway? What's this business to you, really?" Heh, and what is this business?"

Olban watches Vrunar and Navi engage, though he stands out of earshot to allow privacy. He's been keeping an eye on Jason and says to Mercair. "He didn't want that guy(points to Jason) dead, but what do you think of chaining him up and getting some "information"(said with a viscious smile and cruel glint in his eye). It would probably be the best thing for him, he's a little naive to the way the world works and could use a little toughening up(Wolfish Grin)."

(OOC: I don't know about the recognizing its craftsmanship but he wears his armor out in the open. His cloak and hood is for his face mostly, since it stands out easily, might bother some people. Oh, and Bish I'll try and send you a PM of what I have gathered so far[I'll try not to forget!])
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Re: Chapter 5: Justice

Post by BishGada »

OOC: Thank you Namenlos.
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Re: Chapter 5: Justice

Post by TristenC »

Mercair gives his hand a firm shake, making no reaction whatsoever to the disfigurement. He well knows outer beauty can hide an evil core and vice versa.
Namenlos wrote: "Picked it up outside of town, I'm not usually in this area. The Thayan Embassy does good work? I may want to pick up something later if I've the chance and coin." he responds in regards to the question of armor.
I've always found their work to be exceptional, they made my armor and shield. There are a couple of other places in Waterdeep that do magical armor as well, so you'll have options at least.
Namenlos wrote: He mentally marks Mercair as: A pretty boy, friendly, useful(?), good in a fight(?). Olban decides to try and find out more about him as a probable ally. "How'd you get involved anyway? What's this business to you, really?" Heh, and what is this business?"
Assigned, actually. I'm a priest of Lathander investigating the issues in the church of Torm. they wanted an impartial third party so... he shrugs, here I am... it's been... interesting so far...
Namenlos wrote: Olban watches Vrunar and Navi engage, though he stands out of earshot to allow privacy. He's been keeping an eye on Jason and says to Mercair. "He didn't want that guy(points to Jason) dead, but what do you think of chaining him up and getting some "information"(said with a viscious smile and cruel glint in his eye). It would probably be the best thing for him, he's a little naive to the way the world works and could use a little toughening up(Wolfish Grin)."
That's the one that left the young girl to her... attackers...? He says, one hand drifting to his mace, the other tighte. I'm tempted to put a few dents in him right now, but there is a better way... Magic can be used to force someone to only speak the truth... after that it's just a matter of getting them to speak... Did he come willingly? He doesn't seem to have any injuries, maybe he'll be cooperative... so long as we can ensure he is telling the truth magically. Of course once he confesses his involvement, he'll meet his lawful punishment after we get our information... and if not... well, I've been known to do what's right if the law won't... he finishes with a direct look at his new acquaintance.
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Re: Chapter 5: Justice

Post by Jenara »

Navi exits the carriage with a serious expression on her face, damp hair falling about her shoulders as her hand rests on her sword hilt.

Arnora exits after her, dressed in fancy leather armor, two swords hang at her sides the hilts just visible under the long green cloak she wears.

"We've picked up a few people on the way." the Elf says more to hersef as she raises her hand to the others.

"Agreed, death is an easy way out, paying for a crime takes time." she agrees with Vrunar.

"Looks like we've all been busy." she comments seeing Jason, "Mercair has been most useful, I sent Olban, as I thought you might appreciate the extra help. I'm glad he was.. We need to discuss payment of some kind . But your help is most appreciated." Giving him a bow she smiles.

"Can we get these inside? Jason, I'm glad you came quietly... It will serve you in good stead." she glances at Arnora, putting her finger over her lips. "I'll honor whatever deal you made, but that will need to be discussed. Somewhere quieter.. There will be no chains, but you'll be kept here for safety for now." she grins wickedly, not reacting outwardly to Olbans comment.

"These two appear to have something to do with it too.. Once they talk, she is coming with me." she motions to the girl, "The man tried to kill the brother of a friend of mine.."

"Jason." Arnora gives the man an evil look as she strays close to Navi.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: Chapter 5: Justice

Post by Namenlos »

"A priest, huh? You wouldn't happen to have a cream for this would you?" Replies Olban moving his left hand up to lightly pull the hood to show his face, he then grins and gives a short cackle of a laugh.

As Mercair mentions taking the law into his own hands Olban gives him a smile full of teeth. "Now that's what I'm talking about, my friend! It might be best if I not get paid for my involvement, just to escape being bound by their agreement! HAHA!... I'm not cruel, friend, not like these others. Why make him languish for his life when you can solve another one of the worlds problems with a quick chop? Seems worse than torture locking a man up like that, heh."

As the others make their move towards the entrance Olban will indicate the happening to Mercair and say. "We should probably join them one way or another, if not just to find out how the story ends. I hate not knowing, you know?"
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Re: Chapter 5: Justice

Post by BishGada »

Once inside, Vrunar asks Navi, "How exactly these two are connected to the event?" while discussing the matters with Navi he catches few words of Meclair and Olban gives them a sharp look but his face calm. He met a lot of people in his times that spoke the same way. He could understand where it came from. He himself was discussed by Jason's actions. But he wasn't worried. It was never an issue before, and probably these two won't be an exception. One thing was sure, he won't let them break the law.
After getting the details from Navi [OOC]Please write the details as I'm not clear about them.[/OOC] Vrunar walks to Jason, "So... where are the elves, who keeps them and how many guards are there?"
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Re: Chapter 5: Justice

Post by TristenC »

Namenlos wrote:"A priest, huh? You wouldn't happen to have a cream for this would you?" Replies Olban moving his left hand up to lightly pull the hood to show his face, he then grins and gives a short cackle of a laugh.
Hmm... maybe... he murmurs. If this guy is willing to joke about it... Hold still, i can flatten that out for you with my shield... he grins, pretending to raise his shield to 'stamp' the disfigurements out. But in all seriousness, there are some high-level magics that might help. Do you mind if I ask how it came to be this way? If you'd rather not tell a man you just met a moment ago about it, forget I asked. He says, as congenially as possible.

Namenlos wrote: As Mercair mentions taking the law into his own hands Olban gives him a smile full of teeth. "Now that's what I'm talking about, my friend! It might be best if I not get paid for my involvement, just to escape being bound by their agreement! HAHA!... I'm not cruel, friend, not like these others. Why make him languish for his life when you can solve another one of the worlds problems with a quick chop? Seems worse than torture locking a man up like that, heh."
Well, i said IF he isn't punished... worse than torture you say? That might come close to what our young friend felt at his betrayal... wouldn't that then be the more effective of the punishments?

Namenlos wrote:"We should probably join them one way or another, if not just to find out how the story ends. I hate not knowing, you know?"
Agreed, he says, clapping a hand on the man's shoulder briefly in a display of comradery.

Inside he listens to Vrunar's questions and Navi's responses. After Vrunar's sharp look back at them, he whispers quietly enough so only Olban can hear, Best be careful what we say around that one.
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Re: Chapter 5: Justice

Post by Jenara »

"I believe these two were part of a crew to... Clean up after The Danicens and Arnora. They cleared the room, they took their things, a note was left..." Navi pauses, her face showing concern over Mercair and Olban.

"They were waiting for me, someone obviously told them the hired thugs didn't kill me. Instead they stabbed a young man called .. Donor I think. He lives.. But its attempted murder." Arnora responds seeing Navis reaction.

"She was in the room, clearing out, a fight started and I chased her across the thieves highway.. I lost her sadly." she gives Mercair a frown and continues. "I saw something rather strange on the roof of Korat towers. I saw an explosion, fire, two figures.. They vanished and then, she reappeared in Arnora's room. That's the bit I don't understand."
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: Chapter 5: Justice

Post by mltillis »

Jenara wrote:"Jason." Arnora gives the man an evil look as she strays close to Navi.
Hello there flower. Something seems a bit different about you.. Have you grown? You just seem more of a woman now? Jason smirks.
BishGada wrote:Vrunar walks to Jason, "So... where are the elves, who keeps them and how many guards are there?"
Jason spits defiantly.. Like I said before. I'll tell you nothing from a cell. If you want to go after those elves, I'll lead you to them and then you cut me free. They're in the forest well outside of Waterdeep. Without a guide who's been there, you'll never find them.


The two guards stationed at the wing's entrance report hearing no unusual activity from "Kata's" room of the far left. The other three rooms are as you left them. The far right still house Arnora's makeshift bedroom. The closer room on the right still holds the gathered records including the confiscated documents from the Temple of Torm. The closest room on the left is empty.
"It's quite a place. A place of good times and bad, of pain and growth, but in the end a place of great hope. - But if you ever do come aboard, remember one thing: No one there is exactly what he seems. But then, who is?"- G'Kar
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Re: Chapter 5: Justice

Post by BishGada »

When Jason mocks Arnora Vrunar holds him by his shirt and lift him a bit from the floor. "Watch it. I will protect your life as I promised as long as you are helping us, but you might lose your tongue if you keep miss using it." He then set him down again. "You are not in a cell. You are with us. And you will lead us. Would you be able to help us recovering the elves it will be counted in your favor." He then speaks to Navi but loud enough so the rest can here. "What happened in the tower is interesting. Could be something is helping us? Or someone punishes the woman, leaving her as scapegoat? Whatever it is, Jason can lead us to the elves right away. If we want to interrogate the other prisoners, let's do it fast." Remembering they bold they need to attend in the evening Vrunar asks Jason, "How long would it take to get to the elves and back?"
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Re: Chapter 5: Justice

Post by Jenara »

"You are evil.. We all trusted you." glaring at him she stops and spits by his feet. "You are just as bad as them... And they are all dead." with that she is wraps an arm around Navi.

"Let's get these two inside. Lock him up for now.." Navi moves to the door to the temple, "You will lead us, and tonight. And then Vrunar will unhold his end of the bargain her made. You will not address Arnora... I am a Sorceress.. I can cause you pain, but you won't die." she fixes her gaze tightly on his face. "She is under my protection, and the Rose, hurt her and all deals are forfeit."

"Drawing a blade she points it in his direction, move." she motions to the door."Olban, can you move him? Mercair?" she motions to the girl. "I think perhaps she is.. Different, we need to watch her, but she is a thief, I understand thieves."

She plans to put the girl in Arnoras room, and move Jason and the thief into the empty room. (She explains this to the others).

"Arnora my dear, could you check the records and see if you can find any reference to Faelar? I think.. Its useful."

Arnora nods, moving to the room and going to the room with the records.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
Borderlands 3 - Navi