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Chapter 5: Justice

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Re: Chapter 5: Justice

Post by Namenlos »

"Well... we could debate the the philosophical merits of the death sentence, and while we do this rat would be alive to enjoy what meager life he has... Fortunately those worries are outside my responsibilities. Hehe" Replies Olban To Mercair his attitude relaxed and friendly, finishing with. "Aye, some can be a bit too righteous for their own good, or my own good! Haha" He cackles mildly at his own jokes.

Olban watches the displays in silence, his own anger at Jason kept in check while in the publics eye. He stays to the back of the group, glancing about the room and fingering the haft of his axe.
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Re: Chapter 5: Justice

Post by mltillis »

BishGada wrote: "What happened in the tower is interesting. Could be something is helping us? Or someone punishes the woman, leaving her as scapegoat? Whatever it is, Jason can lead us to the elves right away. If we want to interrogate the other prisoners, let's do it fast." Remembering they bold they need to attend in the evening Vrunar asks Jason, "How long would it take to get to the elves and back?"
It's a two day ride on good horses. A full day by the road and another full day riding overland.
Jenara wrote: "You will lead us, and tonight. And then Vrunar will unhold his end of the bargain her made. You will not address Arnora... I am a Sorceress.. I can cause you pain, but you won't die." she fixes her gaze tightly on his face. "She is under my protection, and the Rose, hurt her and all deals are forfeit."
That's the point. We haven't reached a deal yet. I've given my terms. Take em or leave em... The question is which do you want more? Me hanging by a rope or the Danicens and those other elves rescued?
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Re: Chapter 5: Justice

Post by TristenC »

Ooc: would the halls of justice have a cleric on hand to cast "zone of Truth"? I don't have it in my list for today, but it seems like something they'd have available if they have clerics about...
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Re: Chapter 5: Justice

Post by mltillis »

OOC: They would probably have a few scrolls with the spell laying around.

Edit: Arnora begins sifting through the documents gathered in the makeshift office. The girl efficiently sorts the gathered evidence taking note of any information potentially of interest to Navi or herself. Those items which she is unable to decypher, she sets to the side in a special pile.
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Re: Chapter 5: Justice

Post by TristenC »

Mercair starts going through the rejected pile to see if there are any connections for the church of Torm or anything of note.
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Re: Chapter 5: Justice

Post by Jenara »

"Then we have our answer." Navi responds curtly, "Heading out now is foolish. We need to prepare, I never thought I'd say this but there are times when preparing is worthwhile."

"You will remained here until tomorrow, there is a room you may use shortly." She glares at him. "The deal.. You help us get to them, tell us what you know of their numbers, of what we are up against. Do all that and I won't kill you. You'll leave Waterdeep, never to return. If you betray us, I'll see it you die first."

"Vrunar, finds out all he knows, I trust you can do that without hurting him. Olban Mortimer, wake him up.." She motions to the would be killer. "I'm going to chat to an information source. Then have a chat with the young Lady. "
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

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Re: Chapter 5: Justice

Post by Nuke »

Mortimer, thouroughly confused by the on-going discussions, tries to get the gist of what is going on. He seems to be being drug into events he is not so sure of. His primary mission has proven fruitless, and the other new on is lodt upon his current situation.
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Re: Chapter 5: Justice

Post by mltillis »

I believe you should look at this. Sally Windborn was on to something before her disappearance. Arnora announces from the door of the office. Once everyone has entered she begins to pull items from the different stacks of papers and scrolls.

While abductions and kidnapping have occurred throughout history, most are happenstance for random groups sold into slavery or for a specific targetted individaul for ransom. However, here is Highpriest Ag's list of elven abductions from House Ealoeth with dates and locations over the last 300 to 400 years, including Vestele 28 years ago near Everska, and Sinistra 5 years ago in Calisham. Notice all are specific targets of one family without requests for ransom. The same pattern continues for nigh 400 years. Then 3 years ago, sun and moon elves begin to be abducted from across the North with no particular ties amongst them. Sally notes this coincides with the destruction of Hellgate Keep in the High Forest. Just six months ago, sun and moon elves begin to disappear from this region of the sword coast, as well as humans of Netherese descent. Sally notes this coincides with the appearance of the City of Shade, Chostal Nandar succeeding Baelrun Nandar after his disappearance, and the one time arrival of their business partner, Dar Hoon of Mintarn.... Arnora pauses here... Sally's notes at this point are confusing.. "Dar Hoon of Mintarn? Hoondarrh? Why is he back in Waterdeep? Why did he approach and take such interest in me? Why does he look my brother, Namhais?" Sally's last note make no sense what so ever..."I smelled Namhias' scent with the half-elf girl prisoner, and she spoke his name. What have they done to him?" Namhais was hired as a guard to replace Jason when he quit the Danicen's employ. I thought my eyes decieved me, but he withstood a spellcasters fire attack unsinged... Ag's notes indicate that Silfrey Hornraven, whom the Nandars have specifically requested as an escort is of posibly prue blooded Netherese descent. Ag also noted that the real Kata Amblecrown if of the true line of Amblecrown's would bear a strong Netherese bloodline. Kata and Kadrain's last assignment was to scout out the Nandar compound here in Waterdeep.

Arnora continues.. Now here we have Ag's plans for the Temple of Torm, showing secret chambers below the sublevels. He also had a study of elven physiology, reproduction, and childbirth. And this is partial translations and descriptions of the two ancient parchments, Ag had hidden.....

The first is a description of a powerful spell created in ancient times to combat the Daemonfey when they first emerged. The spell could either be cast by a group of epic spell casters or a group of normal spell casters could tap into a powerful item or mythal to draw the power necessary to operate the spell. The spell separated a half-demon into a full blooded elf and a full blooded demon. The two new beings took the gender and likeness of the respective parent and were each slightly weaker than the original half-demon. The spell also separated those with demon lineage but not half demons into two beings of the same gender with the strongest blood being the stronger proportionately..... Notations suggest that the spell could be modified easily to apply to other half-types and mixed blooded humanoids.....

The second details the story of House Ealoeth. A house that also experimented with breeding with fiends during the heyday of House Dlardrageth. House Ealoeth fell out of favor with the other daemonfey do to their willingness to experiment with more than just demon breeding. The leader of the tainted branch of the house is an ancient half-fiend named Vestele. For some reason, each generation has a child born in her likeness who is traditionally named Vestele. Speculations were made that the "Vesteles" over the centuries served as part time vessels for the spirit of House Ealoeth's demon matriarch, when it was not on this plane of existence.... Unfortunately the rest of the language on these texts is beyond me.

Now here we have Sally's notes on reports and records concerning Sinistrad.... Sinistrad was victim to a gender-changing wild surge while adventuring in Undermountain in 1367 DR. The wild surge had an unusual effect on the half-elven Sinistrad. She found herself transformed not only into a female, but a full-blooded sun elf as well.... Unconfirmed reports claimed that a spell-blasted human male wearing tattered wizards garb, exitted Undermountain shortly after Sinistrad’s party carried the now female Sinistra out.....Shortly afterwards tales of Sinistra entering and exitting the Blue Alley in various states of dress and undress begin circulating......On the same day it is noted that a group of Eldreth Veluuthra elf supremacists is found slaughtered in the dock ward.... Sally notes similarities in the "wild surge" and descriptions of the ancient spell's activation, and the resulting transformation of Sinistrad into an apparent clone of the most current Vestelle Ealoeth....

With the Lords becoming concerned with the increase in magical mishaps, Sinistra chose self-exile until the time she could prove her control had improved. Three years later, Vestele Ealoeth arrives and takes over Sinistra’s estate and affairs claiming Sinistra now deceased. Vestele quickly entrenches herself in Waterhavian society. Becoming quite popular with the single male members of the nobility... Sally has noted.. "Not actually Vestelle.. Sinistra in hiding".

Now here we have Sally's notes on reports and records concerning Ag....Records mention Ag in Waterdeep beginning around late 1365. A member of one the adventuring groups that actually had some success in Undermountain. Ag’s clerical abilities and sizable revenue stream allowed for his rapid advancement within the city’s church of Torm. Ag enjoys a decent income from his stake in an importing and exporting business handling goods to and from the Chultian peninsula, dealing almost exclusively with the Dezlentyr shipping fleet. Other stake-holders being Vestele Ealoeth, Aedh Sydan, and heirs of two others listed as deceased. A decent portion of Ag’s income goes directly into the church coffers. He keeps a small stipend for himself, and the rest is split amongst the monastery and an orphanage for the children of fallen Undermountain adventurers. Early mention of Ag refers to questionable companions, namely Sinistrad being a dangerous wild mage, and one other a unnamed suspected thief and murderer. More recently, claims of fraternization with escorts and women of ill-repute seem to have been buried... Sally noted.. "Third partner.. Hugh the Hand?"

And now, Ag's last journal entry before his disappearance... "Could I have truly made such a horrible mistake and imprisoned an innocent woman for all this time? Everything indicated that the "Corrupter" and her brother had returned from the infernal realms once more. If not, then her daughter the original ancient Vestele Ealoeth had at least returned..... I had no reason to believe her tales claiming to be Sinistrad's mother were anything more than the clever deceptions of a fiend straight from the abyss. Now this Kata and Kadrian arrive telling the tale of a missing Vestele. My course is clear. I must ready myself and go open the cage to know for sure."

Arnora pauses before continuing... From this we can concluded that there are two separate groups abducting elves. The first is smaller and has been active for centuries. The second is larger but has only recently become active. A third party is most likely abducting both elves and humans for the hidden groups.... Second, it is almost certain that Sinistrad was targetted by the ancient spell. For what purpose is not clear, but highly likely to create a vessel for the ancient demon matriarch.... Third, the fact that Ag has not returned would indicate his prisoner was indeed the demonspawn he initially feared.
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Re: Chapter 5: Justice

Post by BishGada »

"No!" Vrunar says after Navi concludes her deal with Jason. "We can't bypass the law. Prove your worth by helping us, prove your regret of your crimes and you shall receive a fair trial. I'll give testimony of your actions. I do believe the outcome will be your freedom and most certainly you won't get death penalty. If you will need my protection afterwards I'll provide it, given you will help us recover the abducted elves."

(OOC: Sorry... Paladin and and that stuff... :roll: ).
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Re: Chapter 5: Justice

Post by TristenC »

Looks like Sally was pretty thorough... I'll need to report our findings to the church of Torm soon. Do you mind of I hold onto these documents? Flagging down a nearby page/alcolyte, Do you have a couple of "Zone of Truth" scrolls we could use in our interrogation?
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Re: Chapter 5: Justice

Post by mltillis »

TristenC wrote:Looks like Sally was pretty thorough... I'll need to report our findings to the church of Torm soon. Do you mind of I hold onto these documents? Flagging down a nearby page/alcolyte, Do you have a couple of "Zone of Truth" scrolls we could use in our interrogation?
The Acolyte goes to inquire about the requisitioning of the requested scrolls.

Arnora replies... I would think the documents are safer here within the Halls of Justice under the watchful guard of the clergy of Tyr than they would be upon any of us while we continue our investigation? She then continues... I do not believe any of these recent events are coincidence... And I must question your plan to rescue Silifrey Hornraven. Though he may provide valuable insights, is it wise to follow the plan of a known crime lord specifically as he wishes?

The acolyte returns with two scrolls bearing Zone of Truth spells.
"It's quite a place. A place of good times and bad, of pain and growth, but in the end a place of great hope. - But if you ever do come aboard, remember one thing: No one there is exactly what he seems. But then, who is?"- G'Kar
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Re: Chapter 5: Justice

Post by Nuke »

"Well, it sound as if Sally found a little more than she thought. She was quite capable in her own right, she must have walked into a situation that was beyond her." Mortimer concludes
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Re: Chapter 5: Justice

Post by TristenC »

mltillis wrote: Arnora replies... I would think the documents are safer here within the Halls of Justice under the watchful guard of the clergy of Tyr than they would be upon any of us while we continue our investigation? She then continues... I do not believe any of these recent events are coincidence... And I must question your plan to rescue Silifrey Hornraven. Though he may provide valuable insights, is it wise to follow the plan of a known crime lord specifically as he wishes?

The acolyte returns with two scrolls bearing Zone of Truth spells.

I meant to give them to Turic Redstone, the man in charge at the new temple of Torm, but I suppose you may be right about them being more secure here. As for the rescue attempt, we can hardly let her stay in their charge... I agree it would be better to be able to make the rescue in an unexpected manner, but do we really have any clues regarding her whereabouts other than the ball?

Mercair thanks the alcolyte for the two scrolls. These will ensure we can believe the responses we get as a result of our inquiries. Whom shall we begin with?
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Re: Chapter 5: Justice

Post by mltillis »

TristenC wrote:...As for the rescue attempt, we can hardly let her stay in their charge... I agree it would be better to be able to make the rescue in an unexpected manner, but do we really have any clues regarding her whereabouts other than the ball?
All that we know is what is contained in the letter from Hugh to the fallen Thavin... The letter reads:

Take the two allies provided by Ag and meet my two men tonight at their hideout in the cellar of the empty warehouse behind Alkul’s Ice Storage between Dock & Odd Street. Once all are together make what plans you may, and reveal what information is necessary to accomplish the task.

Silifey Hornraven is tall and slender. She possesses the high cheekbones and fine skintone common to the Marshrovers with hazel eyes and raven black hair. I have enclosed an image.

Tomorrow evening, an hour before dinnertime, Silifey will be escorted to the estate of Chostal Nandar, by a small group dressed as a personal escort and hand maidens. She and a handmaiden are to accompany Chostal and his younger brother Horingar “Elfslayer” Nandar. Chostal, a formerly distant member, is recently ascended to head of House Nandar and their construction businesses. The brutish brothers hope their refined and lovely escorts will earn them points with the more established nobility. By the end of the evening’s events, they will most likely insist the girls to completely fulfill their roles as consorts.

However, the girls have been instructed to attempt to catch the notice of young half-elf Corin Dezlentyr, heir to the Dezlentyr trade and shipping empire. The hope is that Corin’s dislike of the brutish Nandars will compel him to insult the pair once again by stealing away their more refined female companions. Once in his care, they are to do whatever it takes to gain influence.

Disregard the handmaiden as any threat, she is just a slave and inconsequential. With luck, she will suffice to sate the Nandar brother’s desires and prevent pursuit on their part. I do not know where they will begin their revelries, but they will finish with the other nobles at the Cynosure Ball.

Remember our discussion about my men. And do not delay bringing Silifrey back to the hideout.
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Re: Chapter 5: Justice

Post by Namenlos »

Vrunar offers Jason protection in exchange for information, drawing a look of disbelief from the scarred warrior. "Here now Man! Pick your friends more wisely I'd say, the man's a rat and would sell you over in a heart beat, as he did to that young woman. You want to be honor bound to this filth and question the judgement of Tyr?" Olban hopes to sway Vrunar away from what he views to be a self destructive course.


"Quite the tangle you folks have gotten yourselves into, I guess me to now." Remarks Olban to no one in particular. He'll speak up near the end of the present conversation saying. "I heard someone mention payment before, I'd like to get my hands on that... I'd prefer to continue this "crusade" under contract, but I can't resist a mystery. Sign me up, lads!"


OOC: Heh, I'm going to have to play a paladin sometime. I Imagine at times it can become quite tricky :D just so you know, much love Bishgada and if Olban doesn't get along with Vrunar I'm sorry! He however would not be :(