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Episode Two - Investigation begins

The Liora has a curse, no one will sail her, will you take the Councils Offer to rid the ship of its curse?

2nd Edition game for up to 5 players.

Moderator: SilverBen

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Episode Two - Investigation begins

Post by SilverBen »

From the north, a small group of three well-dressed merchants joins Greystreet as he approaches on the wide stone paved street. The three merchants remain near the entrance of the House of the Merchant Council while Greystreet continues south. Greystreet pulls a small, mule-drawn wagon along with him laden with burlap sacks and chests until he reaches the center of the party.

When he arrives, Greystreet hails and gathers the party to one spot on the docks not more than 30 yards from the Liora. Brother Sagan and Keane dutifully greet Greystreet and give him a full report of the priest's findings, namely that the Liora is neither possessed by undead nor magically enchanted. The priests conclude their report admitting they have limited ability to detect and remove any curses, but assure Greystreet they have given their full effort.

Greystreet seems frustrated with the priests' lack of productivity and turns to the party: "Each of you has met with me individually, and now you are all assembled here for the first time as a party: Varis, Hazel, Brother Deephert, and Nalanilos. I ask you now, my brave adventurers, to investigate my ship and save my livelihood.

He continues, "The Merchant Council has given me three more days to resolve this matter under my own control, before they take matters into their own hands. The Liora is apparently a hazard as long as she remains in the middle of the docks and she has already caused a tremendous loss to our city. If nothing else can be done by the end of three days, then the Merchant Council will haul her beyond the breakwaters and set her adrift to her destruction - which will also become my personal ruin. I desperately ask you to save my ship, my Liora, from any kind of damage. Find out what malignant force has taken control of her and return her to me.

Greystreet turns to Nalanilos, raises his one eyebrow, and adds: "Nalanilos Whisperwind, have you the balance due from your Master?" Nalanilos nods and offers a small bill of exchange. Greystreet takes the bill and retrieves something from the cart behind his mule. As he brings it into view, the party soon sees that it is a short, thick wooden staff. Much of its length appears covered with intricate carvings of winged, biting and stinging insects such as bees, deerflies, horseflies, wasps, and the like. "This is the staff of the druid, Thalen Thistletoe, that your Master sought for so long. Use it with care and our business is concluded. I hope that it your Master will not be my last patron." He bows slightly and steps back.
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Re: Episode Two - Investigation begins

Post by Jenara »

"So we board the ship. Find out who's hiding behind the curtain as it were. And you get your ship back?" Hazel asks watching the others closely. "Anyone here know magic? Sneaky buggers mages... Catch you when you don't expect them too.." Just like feelings.. She muses to herself.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: Episode Two - Investigation begins

Post by SpiderReaver »

Nalanilos takes the staff, looking it over, intrigued by not just the appearance, but the artwork laid into the wood. "I will pass the message on to my Master when I see him Mr. Greystreet."

Nalanilos looks around at the rest of the group, overhears the young woman Hazel, and makes his own remark while waiting for everyone else.

"Seems to be the plan I would believe... and I won't say know... perhaps dabble, but not know... I am not as experienced as say the rest of the group, just a young kid, but full of potential... well at least my Master thinks anyways" *chuckles*
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Re: Episode Two - Investigation begins

Post by Jenara »

"A kid?" Hazel turns to Greystroke, "No one said anything about a kid.. I can't guarantee the safety of anyone.. After all, you don't even know what's there.."
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: Episode Two - Investigation begins

Post by DramaLlama »

"The woman is correct," Deephert says. "The safety of a child may not be guaranteed. As for the arcane arts, they are no match for the righteous. How many known entrances and exits are there to the vessel?"
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Re: Episode Two - Investigation begins

Post by mike_c »

Is anyone's safety guaranteed? if the child comes he will be responsible for his own safety though it does seem like he has a nice new toy to play with. there is the gangway to get on the ship and every single foot of deck space can be used as an exit if you wish to use it that way. since we nly have three days to figure this out we better get started. Varis walks over starting up the gangway when he reaches the top he pauses before boarding and says in both common and elvish, I am back my friends please help me figure this out. and then carefully steps foot onto the ship and steps to the side so that any that wish may join him.
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Re: Episode Two - Investigation begins

Post by SilverBen »

Greystreet responds raising his hands out to gently to calm the dispute he anticipates rising out of the party's voices: "You are all right in at least some small respect. Lady Hazel and Brother Deephert, I assure you both that the boy is old enough to choose for himself. As long as I have known him to be my courier, he has proven himself to be..." he pauses while examining Nalanilos and finding the right words of satisfaction, "...quite enterprising indeed."

He tilts his head slightly forward at Nalanilos he adds with obvious concern in his voice, "Heed their words, lad, it may be dangerous. I will not think wrongly of you for stepping away."

Greystreet cautiously walks to the rail of the Liora to hand Varis a scroll case containing the floorplan of the ship. (OOC: Check the post named In Game Local Info, where I have posted one of several general maps of the Fore, Aft, and Upper Decks of The Liora. I will also post the middle and lower decks, as necessary.)

The party is startled by the sudden harsh brey of the mule attached to the wagon. Its head drops slowly as it quiets down once again, but leaves the party unsettled. "I am pleased that Master Varis has already begun the investigation and taken the next steps. I take it that you will be leading the party? I will remain here for a while to look after your safety but I must eventually retire for the night and return this beast to his pen."
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Re: Episode Two - Investigation begins

Post by mike_c »

Varis paused long enough to take the scroll case with the drawings inside.I turn at the top of the gangway looking t the others and speaking in common, "well are you going to join me? its playtime time to earn our coin"
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Re: Episode Two - Investigation begins

Post by SpiderReaver »

Nalanilos looks at Greystreet, then looks at the rest of the group before speaking.."Thank you Mr. Greystreet, I appreciate your words. One does not gain experience by sitting inside watching the sun rise and set. I will be cautious tho. I am ready when everyone else is"

Nalinilos follows behind Varis in boarding the ship
"L'Oloth wun vel'bolen dos lac, zhah naut zuch vel'bol dos xal ragar" ~SpiderReaver
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Re: Episode Two - Investigation begins

Post by Jenara »

"At least allow me to take the lead." Hazel mutters realising no one is listening, "Fine." Checking her bow she takes the rear guard and moves to the ship after everyone else.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: Episode Two - Investigation begins

Post by mike_c »

Varis cocks his head as he hears Hazel's words stops and motions to her... the lead is yours if you wish it m'lady
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Re: Episode Two - Investigation begins

Post by SilverBen »

The rest of the party (OOC: Including Brother Deephert) follows Varis aboard the ship in search of the spirits or curse that has deridingly earned it the name "The Luckless Liora."

Greystreet remains on the docks and steps back with an open hand raised in support: "Before you proceed, I have asked the Brothers here to bestow a blessing upon you and protection in your brave efforts." Greystreet gives the priests a nodding signal.

The Brothers Sagan and Keane take several steps from where they are standing together and stand approximately 20' apart, with Sagan to the North and Keane to the South. In a synchronized choreography, they touch their palms to their eyes and then raise their hands with open palms turned outwards, towards the party on the ship. They begin to slowly chant a melody of mystic syllables in harmony with their palms raised and eyes closed.

Greystreet explains, "Please proceed with your investigation while the Brothers are chanting. Their chant will only help you and harm your enemies, bringing special favor upon them and the immediate area from the God of Abundance, He who makes the wind blow and the rain descend."

(OOC: The priests are casting Chant. From the PHB... All attack and damage rolls and saving throws made by those in the area of effect who are friendly to the priest gain +1 bonuses, while those of the priest's enemies suffer -1 penalties. This bonus/penalty continues as long as the caster continues to chant the mystic syllables and is stationary. An interruption, however, such as an attack that succeeds and causes damage, grappling the chanter, or a silence spell, breaks the spell.)

[Thread Closed] be continued in Episode Three
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