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Re: Dungeons and Dragons Online (DDO)

Post by Haahque »

So Gnomes are now out, 1295 TP for non-vip.

Also Hikor is now level 20 (14 cleric, 6 fighter) and I'm considering my options of TRing him or pushing all the way to 30 with him.
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Re: Dungeons and Dragons Online (DDO)

Post by TristenC »

Dang, Haahque. You seem to level super-fast. How many hrs would you estimate it took to go from lvl 4 (I presume you started there due to your game-status) to lvl 20?
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Re: Dungeons and Dragons Online (DDO)

Post by Haahque »

Umm... really hard to guess something like that since it's 1 hour here, 2 hours there etc. But... leveling doesn't seem to slow down much or at all (if you had adaquate content to constantly find parties/content to solo). Until you're level 20 that is.

I'd say it might have taken 2 hours per level average, so 40 hours to level 20? Some people are much faster then me, but I can't really judge my leveling rate off people who can unlock elite for everything and can solo everything on elite.
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Re: Dungeons and Dragons Online (DDO)

Post by TristenC »

On for a bit. Haahque, looks like you TRd Hikor... sweet

Jaded, the list at the start of the forum has the name spelled Hirrok not Hikor...
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Re: Dungeons and Dragons Online (DDO)

Post by Haahque »

Actually I haven't TR'd Hikkor yet, due to 2 things. First off, to TR I need 20 tokens of the 12, I haven't farmed those up yet. Secondly if I TR, I won't have the 15K guild XP ready to turn in, so it might be nice to create the guild before I TR. If you're still keen on creating a guild.
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Re: Dungeons and Dragons Online (DDO)

Post by TristenC »

Ah, my mistake. I saw a hikor (with 1 k) at lvl 1 and thought you had done it already. Tried to add him to my list but it said he didn't exist. I thought I tried several spellings when the first didn't work
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Re: Dungeons and Dragons Online (DDO)

Post by Haahque »

I'm starting to think that DDO might just be a passion of mine that others don't have the time/commitment to work on creating/leveling said guild in, so I'll probably proceed with such ideas in mind, although I will keep Haahqae at level 5 for now so that if anyone wants to level with me I have someone low level to do some quests with them.

Hikkor is now level 21, working on his Legendary Dreadnaught epic destany now and I'm feeling pretty good about him. I farmed up a few Commendations of the Purple Dragon Knights and turned them in to get him an Oathblade, which is pretty awesome (look at that critical profile!).

The offer still stands that if anyone wants to quest with me just send me a PM or post here and we can try to make it work out.
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Re: Dungeons and Dragons Online (DDO)

Post by JadedDM »

For what it is worth, I still play usually about once a week or so. I've been slowly clearing out the Cerulean Hills lately.

I think, though, that it isn't just coincidence that I've never made it past level 5. That's the point the game becomes a big grind fest and I start to lose interest. It's around that point where it becomes less feasible to solo. And it's more fun for me to solo, because I can explore, play at my own pace and just enjoy the adventure. But when I'm with others, I'm constantly running after them, trying to keep up. I never feel like I'm pulling my own weight, because everyone else is way more powerful than me (even if the same level).

This is the same problem I've had with every MMOG I've played, save STO (which does not require grouping whatsoever).
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Re: Dungeons and Dragons Online (DDO)

Post by Chris1234 »

I had the same with Dark Age of Camelot.
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Re: Dungeons and Dragons Online (DDO)

Post by Haahque »

Yeah, DDO does apparently have a fairly steep learning curve, and soloing, while very possible in DDO, even on a first-life character using random loot, is generally not that easy especially if you're not specifically building to be able to solo. The best way to get XP is in groups running stuff on elite, but those often have that problem where they all are much more powerful then you, and you're just trying to keep up to help out. A healing-based cleric is not the top of the list of classes/builds that I'd recommend to solo with ><. If you're heavy into soloing, you'd probably get better results picking up a class or build that has high damage, then pick up a hireling cleric to deal with your running out of health problems.

So, I just went and TR'd Hikkor yesterday, I solo'd all the korthos quests except for misery's peak (I felt it was late and that quest was too long) on hard difficulty yesterday, and also did a few marketplace quests on hard or elite difficulty with 1 or 2 other people who had an lfm party up. This means Hikkor is now a level 3 barbarian!

My plans for him this life are very simple, pure barbarian. I wanted to try out occult slayer, but the T5 enhancements for occult slayer looked kind of lackluster when compared with the T5s of Frenzied Berserker, so I'm going to be doing a mix of mix of all the barbarian trees on this life. (Unfortunately the barbarian trees all sort of do the same thing, give damage, HP and healing of some sort, so it's hard to pick one above the others for flavor reasons, better to just go for the better enhancements in my opinion).
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Re: Dungeons and Dragons Online (DDO)

Post by chese780 »

I'm playing a Fighter who is almost 4. I have a 2-Handed Vorpal Falchion that crits on 18-20. (Am I too powerful yet?) To make it better, I have ridiculous armor I can put on once I hit 4, and I specialized in two-handed swords.
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Re: Dungeons and Dragons Online (DDO)

Post by Haahque »

Well 2 handed weapons are pretty good, falchion's good because it has a high crit range (18-20) and Vorpal's a pretty nice enhancement for it but...

Welcome to DDO where you farm items for your next life then use them at a much lower level then you would be able to get it in your first life. Hikkor, who is now a barbarian specialized in 2 handed weapons will, when he hits 4 start using the Hellstroke Great Axe. In my opinion, keen is slightly better then vorpal at a level too low to take improved critical. At level 5 I get to use Pale Blue Ioun Stone. When I get to level 10 I get the Sword of Shadow. Which has one of the best critical profiles of a 2 handed weapon in the game.

Are you powerful yet? Probably. Are you too powerful yet? You got a little ways to go to get there.
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Re: Dungeons and Dragons Online (DDO)

Post by chese780 »

Correction. Too powerful for a level 3 fighter.
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Re: Dungeons and Dragons Online (DDO)

Post by JadedDM »

Tell us the name of your character, chese, and I'll add him to the list.

Right now I'm trying to get through Stealthy Repossession, but it's impossible. My stealth sucks and all those guild buffs I got last time I played with Haahque make it so that if any kobold hits me, they take damage and die pretty quickly. I might have to come back to that one later.
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Re: Dungeons and Dragons Online (DDO)

Post by Haahque »

I don't think any of the guild buffs do damage to things that hit you, however a lot of items often have effects like that (the item might say something like fire guard: 2d6, meaning when an enemy hits you, they take 2d6 fire damage).

Stealthy repo is usually a quest that I do when I'm around level 10-20 (if I do it) unless I happen to be playing a character that's really good at stealth.
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