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Act 2, Episode 2: Rights of Fishermen

The Liora has a curse, no one will sail her, will you take the Councils Offer to rid the ship of its curse?

2nd Edition game for up to 5 players.

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Act 2, Episode 2: Rights of Fishermen

Post by SilverBen »

Our heroes are sailing northeast along the coastline aboard The Liora on the second day of their journey to Darian's Wall. The early morning sun rises from the east horizon with noble brilliance. Only Captain Burnett's voice disturbs the beauty of the moment, "Merfolk ahead! Be prudent and respectful!" and casts everyone's attention to many distant figures splayed out on the rocky summits of the reefs. Two groups to the north and two to the south, separated by the 200 yard wide channel between the two reefs.

The merfolk shove off their reefs, proving themselves to be extremely agile and quick. They coalesce at a central point that obviously intends to intercept The Liora's course through the channel. They move with tremendous speed, despite weapons strapped to their backs and sides, and finally organize into four distinct groups of six or seven. (OOC: There are actually 26 mermen, if your character counts carefully. Regardless, refer to the Rights of Fishermen map below. Please note, each hex is labeled with coordinates that begin at 00.00 in the upper left corner. The scale is 100 yards wide to each hex. The red lines indicate where the merfolk intercept The Liora along her course, the beige hashed line.)

The Liora is 200 yards south of the coastline, separated by a reef at 100 yards. To their south, another column of reef 100 yards away. Captain Burnett orders The Liora against the wind, slowing her down, and finally calls for the light anchor to be dropped. Greystreet joins the Captain on the forecastle looking confused and concerned. The sailors only whisper to coordinate the rigging of the sails and then fall silent. Lyssehea is not visible above deck despite the general alarm.

The merfolk keep their distance from The Liora, approximately 30 yards away. All the merfolk appear above the surface of the water with human upper torsos, while their lower halves sweep a huge fish's tail to remain stationary. They are all handsome and solidly built and athletic, no doubt from a life in constant motion in the water has made them so. None draw the tridents or javelins they carry.

One of the merfolk, presumably the leader approaches the Liora and announces in Common tongue: "We will not allow overfishing to continue in our waters. Turn back and do not trespass our territory."
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Re: Act 2, Episode 2: Rights of Fishermen

Post by cryominer »


Fezor observed the fish-men with great interest. He had read of encounters with the 'mermen' in many tomes on the history of sailing, elemental water magic, and other topics associated with the sea. They are the type of people that Fezor would characterize as a bit chaotic with regard to predictability. He was recalling the pertinent facts associated with the known and reported encounters with these obviously intelligent creatures when the leader spoke up with his accusations.

Looking around at his fellows, Fezor plucked up the courage to address them in a low tone. "Ahem," and after a slight pause, he continued. "From my recollection and research, the mermen are a pragmatic bunch. They do not adhere too much or bend to authority, but they can certainly be reasoned with as long as we respect them and find some common ground (no pun intended)." "They have not attacked us outright and have offered parley with stated grievances. Perhaps a discussion is in order?"

"Anyway, I'm very sure that it was not me that was poaching their fish," Fezor said with a mocking smile. "Come now do not judge; I tend to try and make light of the situation when there are ... potential adversaries about. You know, I'm a bit allergic to death."
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Re: Act 2, Episode 2: Rights of Fishermen

Post by michaelslate »


I watch, fascinated, as the creatures surround the ship and form up ahead of us. I'm surprised as the leader of them speaks to us in his own, oddly accented, Common language. Fezor begins speaking softly with the several of us on deck and I listen.

"We can speak truth to these creatures. In fact we are not a fishing vessel, surely they have seen enough of them to recognize this. Perhaps they might even give us an escort as we pass through, and if any man so much as tosses a line or a net in the water, throw him in to face their justice. We only just left port. Surely we have foodstuffs enough to last us as we sail through? Unless they are claiming the entire ocean as their sovereign territory, of course. I can speak for us, if you wish. But someone with more experience with these creatures might be a better choice."
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Re: Act 2, Episode 2: Rights of Fishermen

Post by SilverBen »

(OOC: Mike_c and holly_e are married in real life and temporarily out for Mike's surgery. For now, I will take control of their characters as NPCs until Mike returns.)

Willow Shadowhawk and Varis Nightshade stand together under the yard arm of the main mast studying the merfolk in the waters ahead with caution. Burnett holds his hands high in submission to the merfolk blockade and signals he needs the merfolk to give him more time. Burnett beckons Greystreet to the forecastle to consult him. The merefolk await quietly and patiently.

Burnett nods acknowledging the responses from Jakob and Fezor, exchanging a smile with Fezor for his cheerful attitude. "I will follow Master Greystreet's orders, as I am only concerned for the safety of the crew, passengers and our vessel. I must advise you that we have another day's journey along the coastline until the Great Estuary that leads inland to the river basin. I am inclined not to arouse the merfolk by trying to break their blockade. We can change course, heading south, and then navigate around the ocean bank of their fishing waters, a wide area of kelp forests. That will add another day's journey to come around from the east to the Great Estuary.

Greystreet considers Burnett's words and adds, "Fezor has the strongest point, the merfolk have not attacked us. We are caught in an unfortunate circumstance and not the source of the merfolk's trouble. Agreed, Captain. I will not anger them when it is unlikely that Lyssehea will survive a change in course and we have made enemies for naught."

Greystreet turns to Jakob and Fezor: "You are both quite wise. I also agree that to negotiate with them is the best course, and I will support you. We must find out what they really want, what we really have to offer, and how to find an agreement. Jakob has another strong point: if anyone even so much as casts a net into the waters, then we have violated any trust they have not to attack us.

Jakob or Fezor, who will speak for us? Before you do, decided what can we offer them to gain their trust, avoid hostility, and allow us safe passage?
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Re: Act 2, Episode 2: Rights of Fishermen

Post by holly_e »

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Re: Act 2, Episode 2: Rights of Fishermen

Post by mike_c »

Good Mermen We are not Fishermen at all, we are on a mission to return a dryad to her wood which must be done with haste so we beg you not to delay us with any protest you might have with others no matter how legitimate it might be. we would be happy to discuss them with you afer we have finished our current mission
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Re: Act 2, Episode 2: Rights of Fishermen

Post by cryominer »


Fezor was slightly taken aback by Greystreet's compliments. Surely these folk realize that he is simply a researcher by practice and only adventure out of necessity to supply him with sufficient magic and coin to continue funding his research.

The consensus has been reached and the elf has spoken to the leader of the fish-folk. To no one in particular, "let us see now what they demand. If memory serves, this will be a negotiation, but they will, most certainly, have a demand or two that is non-negotiable. We must beware overtly trusting their word. They may simply agree to terms that they have no intention of keeping." Just talking about a potential battle brings his nervousness to the fore, "it is not like they could sink the ship, ... could they?"

Fezor cursed in a lower tone, as if talking to himself. "Apocryphal Apples and Bleached Bones...I should have researched some water-based elemental spells...the right combination could remove any threat..."
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Re: Act 2, Episode 2: Rights of Fishermen

Post by michaelslate »


I turn to the Captain and ask, while also speaking to the group in general. "Sir, do you have a small rowboat or the like, which could be towed behind this ship? And have you any alcohol aboard for trade? Wine, mead, that sort of thing. I think perhaps, if one of us were to allow themselves to be towed along behind this ship, as a sign of good faith, it might convince them of our good intentions. That person would be an effective hostage for the intentions of the ship. If we can do this, I would volunteer for the spot, unless someone else wants it. Alcohol has often been given as tribute, especially to those who are unable to grow grapes or raise bees for honey."
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Re: Act 2, Episode 2: Rights of Fishermen

Post by SpiderReaver »

"The Merfolk, especially the men, I can't say much for the women as we hardly see them, are known to be laid back my friends... However, do not take that attitude for none caring, they will protect their clans. Like most creatures, if they are hunting, you do not wish to be between them and their prey" Nalanilos spoke towards the group as he gazed into the waters. "Granted I personally do not know as this is my first encounter, but I was told stories by my Master. Like Elves, they can also be patient, when it comes to such matters. If they are here, we may be in their... hunting grounds... So whether we find a different route to show we do not mean to intrude in their territory, or offer a tribute as Jakob has stated, it makes no difference to me. I will, unless I receive word otherwise, go with the parties decision as long as it goes with my assignment."

Nalanilos continues to look at the mermen thinking to himself. "I cannot wait to see the Master again, he is never gonna believe that one as myself has seen these creatures. Good thing I was paying attention to him in my studies. Otherwise I wouldn't have known this information. I have to remember to write this down, to write a tale of my travels so that when I do return home, he will have something to read"
"L'Oloth wun vel'bolen dos lac, zhah naut zuch vel'bol dos xal ragar" ~SpiderReaver
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Re: Act 2, Episode 2: Rights of Fishermen

Post by SilverBen »

The Captain face expresses his intrigue by the wise feedback and Greystreet smiles proudly in confidence that they will resolve the merfolk's blockade. (OOC: ...which is reflective of your humble DM's attitude as well. :-D Therefore, each character who offered a solution is already rewarded 200 XP for role playing the negotiations before we even determine the outcome. Yes, that's right, I don't have a predetermined outcome for this encounter.

Captain Burnett replies to Jakub: "We do have canoes and oars below in the cargo hold. Spare rope is easy to find. You are brave to suggest such a hostage offer and braver yet to volunteer to be the hostage." Greystreet adds with a disappointment, "We have no alcohol aboard this vessel."

(OOC: Great job so far. Now, the trick is getting the merfolk to accept the terms of your best course of negotiation. Use the Out of Character chat post to discuss how the party will proceed:
  1. Select a negotiator. I suggest the most charismatic party member because CHArisma bonuses will apply. Nevertheless, you may also select another negotiator based on other factors.
  2. List at least three solutions to resolve the blockade from the ones just mentioned in character. Sequence them in the order the negotiator will present them to the merfolk.
  3. Determine what tone of voice the negotiator will take when presenting each point to the merfolk:
    1. Friendly tone
    2. Indifferent tone
    3. Threatening tone
    4. Hostile tone
  4. When you have selected the negotiator, the sequence of points, and the negotiator's tone of voice for delivering each point, then post them back in this thread.

I will then determine the merfolk leader's responses. We will quickly complete the negotiations and determine the outcome. Let's try, but not an absolute deadline, to have the party's side of the negotiations complete by Sat night, April 2, 11:59PM Eastern. Ready?
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Re: Act 2, Episode 2: Rights of Fishermen

Post by SilverBen »

Lyssehea approaches the forecastle with a shiftless gait and slowly ascends. Her skin has taken on a rough texture and she hunches over her arms, folded across her waist. She moves her lips but cannot manage more than a whisper of advice to Fezor and Jakub: "Let me lie in the canoe as their hostage."

Behind them, on the upper deck, three sailors haul a canoe up from the cargo bay doors with a pulley on the main mast.

Greystreet frowns and shakes his head in objection and disbelief, "My lady, you cannot be their hostage. We need you to survive and lead us to the hobgoblins. We swore to bring you justice and I fear the consequences of willfully violating that oath. Let us honor their demands, eh? Look there, beyond the beaches, we can come ashore and those green forests lie in the distance past the sand hills. What do you say, Captain?"

Captain Burnett answers uncomfortably with a stern look of integrity, "The only river passage I know is still a day's journey through the merfolk territory to the Great Estuary. If we go ashore, the Liora must be moored in the coral reefs. Perhaps the merfolk will agree to it if we ensure we are not here to fish their waters. You asked me to sail your ship, Master Greystreet. You did not hire me as an explorer through the woodlands."

Greysteet turns to Fezor and Jakub: "What action are you prepared to take?"
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Re: Act 2, Episode 2: Rights of Fishermen

Post by michaelslate »


Once the canoe is lowered to the water, I carefully climb down the ladder to get in it, along with the feywine and one other item from my pack. I shout over to the apparent leader of the mermen. "Will you speak with me over here?" I wait for him to swim over to me. "I bring Pelors bright blessings to you and yours, my lord. I am Jakob, priest of Pelor" I gesture with one hand towards the sun overhead. "We have heard you speak of problems with other humans overfishing in your territory. I can understand your anger with them. My family grows food on our land as well. If ships of people came by, taking acres of crops each time, I could very much see myself standing between them and our property, stopping them with a threat of force. Gods forbid it becomes more than a threat. But one does what one must to protect your own tribe." I pause a moment to make sure he understands my words, then I continue.

"I don't know how much you understand about men, but I am quite sure you know about the ships men use. Surely, you can see that this is not a fishing vessel. Since you have appeared, our captain has ordered his crew and we passengers not to fish in your region. I believe it was mentioned that if anyone so much as dropped a hook in the water, they would be thrown overboard to face your justice. We will comply with your wishes in this matter. As a token of our respect, I offer these two gifts." I hold out the skin of Feywine and my own fishing net. "This is filled with Feywine, a fine drink made by the elves. And this fishing net, which has never yet even touched water, is my own. I offer it to you now as a symbol of our acceptance of your demand that we not fish here. But that is not our only gift." I pause again as he hopefully takes the items.

"What you have said you truly desire is human recognition of your fishing waters. We can assist you in this. When we cross any other vessel in this area, we will tell them of your dominion and warn them to stay away. We will also tell the port authorities nearby and they will order the captains who call on their ports to stay away from here. I cannot guarantee that all men will obey, but this will help greatly." I start again.

"You have asked us to sail around your seas, and if time were not so vital, our captain has already spoken to us that he would have done so already. However, on this ship, we have a lady who is a distant cousin of your own sea sprites or nymphs. A foul beast destroyed her special tree and bound it to this ship. So we must deliver her as quickly as we can to a new tree, on the other side of your property. Her life, perhaps even her soul, is at peril with greater danger every moment we delay." I gesture with my open hands, holding nothing.

"None of us desire a fight with you or your kin. No good can come of it. If you win, you merely wait for the next ship of fishermen to arrive and have them to fight. If we win, we will have made enemies of your folk when that need not be. Either way it goes, many people, yours and mine, would die for no good reason at all. I hope that you will grant our request, this one time."

"If you or some of your people could guide us on the quickest path through your waters, you could see for yourselves that all we desire is to get to the other side quickly, and that we would keep our word not to fish. I swear, in the bright light of my god, Pelor, that all I have spoken is the truth and I bind myself to my words. How say you?"
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Re: Act 2, Episode 2: Rights of Fishermen

Post by cryominer »


Fezor quietly observed Jakob in his discourse holding fast to the railing and pulling his cloak tight as if the creatures swimming below could snatch him from the ship to a cold and wet death. Quietly, to the rest of the group, "remarkable courage comes in all forms...let us hope that it isn't in all flavors. Does anyone recall what mer-folk eat, besides fish that is?"
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Re: Act 2, Episode 2: Rights of Fishermen

Post by SilverBen »

(OOC: Great response, michaelslate, I was planning on rolling their reaction but that was truly diplomatic and a thoroughly win-win solution. So, that negotiation earned 550 XP for Jakub, 450 XP for Fezor, 250 XP for Nalanilos, 150 XP for Varis. Nicely done.) The merfolk convene on Jakub's words in their own tongue and nod in agreement.

The leader of the mermen addresses Jakub, speaking in Common “You may pass through our fishing water. We find your words favorable. It is we who are obliged to show you more respect for undertaking your goal.” He holds his palm up towards Jakub explaining, “You must keep the wine, it is poisonous to us.

The leader signals to one of the members of their tribe who responds by diving into the depths while the others remain attentive. The merman returns to the surface with one hand clasped shut and approaches the canoe Jakub sits in.

When he opens his clasped hand, the messenger reveals a small pearl of near perfect shape and stunning milky white hue in his palm. The leader continues, “If any others of our tribe challenge you, then tell them this is a Pearl of Wisdom that we have rewarded you as a token of friendship among the merfolk.” (OOC: From the DMG: Although it appears to be a normal pearl, a pearl of wisdom causes a priest to increase one point in Wisdom if he retains the pearl for one month. The increase happens at the end of 30 days, but thereafter the priest must keep the pearl with him or the one point gain will be lost. This item is not cursed.)
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Re: Act 2, Episode 2: Rights of Fishermen

Post by SilverBen »

The leader explains that although they cannot accompany The Liora to assist the Dryad, they have assured the party's safe passage through their territory.

The merfolk disperse slowly, descending into the depths below the Liora, or swimming off towards the lagoon to the north. The leader beckons farewell but says nothing more until he also descends into the coastal waters.
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