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<Bishgada's Private Thread>

Homebrewed 2e adventure in the land of Arkantos. Arkantos is a very special place, as most activity is not on the ground or in the sea, but in fact in the skies above. Sky-ships are heavily implied, lest you fall into the barren wasteland of a world below the clouds...

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Re: <Bishgada's Private Thread>

Post by chese780 »

(OOC: Workshop's good. Just don't go and try and but gold-silk clothing or something. Common and private depending.)

Walking out of the workshop, Rey thought he could hear the Alchemist say "Try not to drown in all of your prepared insults." The workshop is on the east end of the city, and if he goes north, he can find most of the shops that have the items he needs.
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Re: <Bishgada's Private Thread>

Post by BishGada »

Rey smiles to himself. He is quite happy with his life. He has a gifted mentor which doesn't only help him and guides him, but also give him free hand to work his own creations and listens to his ideas sometimes accepting them and in others explains their fault.
Taking his time, he walks north west towards the trade area. He walks through the market to buy some fruits and listens around to see if he can pick any news.
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Re: <Bishgada's Private Thread>

Post by chese780 »

Slowly walking through the streets, Rey can see all of the wonderful things that Carython has to offer. Wonderful people, good products, and slightly over-priced clothing. Reaching the market square, he finds a fruit stand and sees that they are selling a wide selection of fruits*. A few people are rushing to a news stand, but most are enjoying their time browsing.

(OOC: *Just choose some fruit, not going to be too picky in the options because well... it really doesn't matter. No coconuts or dragonfruit though.)
Drav - Lost Souls: Octhania
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Re: <Bishgada's Private Thread>

Post by BishGada »

Rey picks few fruits for himself and his mentor, pays and goes to the news stand to hear what's new.
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Re: <Bishgada's Private Thread>

Post by chese780 »

As Rey moves to the stand, he can see a large crowd of people flocking to it. A couple of people talk about random news from other cities, like a pirate that's been running around Theelon. However, the majority are talking about a recent incident. The people say that an airship crashed into one of the mountains, but that isn't the weirdest part. They say that when the scouting party reached the ship, a man in a black cloak walked right past them and jumped. Right off the Island.

Behind him, Rey can hear a loud voice.

"I should have been there. For someone to survive that crash, he would have made an excellent brawler!"

(OOC: Enter Number 2.)
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Re: <Bishgada's Private Thread>

Post by BishGada »

"I would say he sounds either stupid or suicidal. Maybe he crashed the ship on purpose and when it didn't work he finished the job with an artistic exit. I wish I knew what he was thinking about. Maybe he can fly?" Rey say to the person who shouted. "So, are you looking for brawlers?"
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Re: <Bishgada's Private Thread>

Post by chese780 »

Turning around to the voice, Rey can see a hulking mass that is the man. Nearly encompassing Rey in his shadow despite Rey being five and a half feet tall, he stands there with his arms crossed and a large greatsword on his back.

The man looks down at him and, after noticing the height difference, kneels down slightly so that he can -almost- look directly at Rey.

"It would be nice, but if he ran off already, there isn't any point in asking him."
Drav - Lost Souls: Octhania
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Re: <Bishgada's Private Thread>

Post by BishGada »

"You are huge! What did your parents fed you with?!?" Rey says without thinking. "Hmm... he might surface up again sometime soon. Persons who love drama don't stop after their first performance... May I ask your name, and why are you looking for brawlers? Suicidal ones as it seems?" he smiles in mischief while saying the second half of the sentence.

(OOC: Can Rey come up, maybe with his mentor help, with a single person flying machine? Something like mechanic wings that are wear as vest instead being attached to a barrel?)